The Ghost Belonged To Me



Thirteen-year-old Alexander has girl problems, but not the kind you think.  His neighbor, Blossom Culp, asks to walk home with him after school so she can inform him that he has supernatural powers, and horribly, she’s right.  The ghost of a dead girl appears to him and warns him of an impending trolley wreck.  Then, when he saves the trolley riders and tells the truth about the ghost, his mother and sister are mad at him for getting in the newspaper and taking all the glory away from his sister’s big coming-out party.  Sheesh!  How’s a guy to get a little peace?

Author: Richard Peck
Ages: 9 – 12
Main character(s): boy
Part of a series: yes
Where: Rural Illinois
When: 1913

Note: hard-to-find

This is the first of four Blossom & Alexander books.  The others are: