Blossom Culp and the Sleep of Death


BlossumCulpAndTheSleepOfDeathBlossom Culp has her hands full, keeping her friend Alexander out of the clutches of arch-rival Lottie, saving the job of the new suffragette school teacher and getting her Ancient Egypt grave robbery project done.  She’s not very happy when the ghost of an Egyptian princess appears to her and demands to be restored to her tomb.  It’s Illinois, after all, so getting to Egypt might be challenging.  But the ghost is a princess, who expects to be obeyed, so Blossom and Alexander figure out how to help her and save the day.

Author: Richard Peck
Ages: 9 – 12
Main character(s): girl
Part of a series: yes
Where: Rural Illinois
When: 1914

Note: hard-to-find

This is the fourth of four Blossom & Alexander books. The others are:

Time Warp Trio: Tut Tut


TutTutJoe, Fred & Sam manage to get their Ancient Egypt school projects all done without having to use their time-traveling book to check out the time of the pharaohs in person — or so they think. Joe’s little sister happens to open the book and all four of them are swept into the past and have to battle evil priests, crocodiles and collapsed tombs before they can get back. Quick, fun read!