


The story of Heidi is over a hundred years old, but still is a fun read, especially for kids who like books about special grandparents.  Heidi’s grandfather is reserved at first, but her cheerfulness wins him over.  The two really learn how much they love each other when Heidi is taken away from him and the Alps to live in the city.

Author: Johanna Spyri
Ages: 9 – 12
Main character(s):  Girl
Part of a series:  yes
Where: Switzerland
When: long ago

Heidi is a free ebook you can download from Gutenberg.org

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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes



For aspiring Willy Wonkas, this free ebook includes more than 100 recipes for making delicious chocolate and other kinds of candy.  Please get an adult’s permission before inventing your own version of the Wonka’s Nutty Crunch Surprise or Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight.

Authors: Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill
Ages: 9 and up with adult supervision
Part of a series: no

Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes is a free ebook you can download from Gutenberg.org

Find this book at a library near you using worldcat.org