Which Witch?


WhichWitchLike Roald Dahl, Eva Ibbotson writes books in which some really nasty things can happen, sometimes even to good people. In Which Witch? the orphan Terence has to witness some very black magic in order to help white witch Belladona.  The handsome wizard Arriman has announced a contest: he will marry the local witch with the most sinister spell.  Belladona, who can only create flowers and birds, wants nothing more than to marry the great wizard, but it seems hopeless even without some fierce and foul competition.  This book actually turned my stomach at one point, but it also made me laugh out loud, so I’ve read it over and over.

Author: Eva Ibbotson
Ages: 9 – 12
Main character(s): Boy and Girl
Part of a series: no
Where: England
When: present day

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